Lecture examples for chapters 9-10 and 13-20: a Spring Boot Java application with Thymeleaf and MySQL
IMPORTANT: When you fork, un-check the "Copy the main branch only" box to ensure you have a copy of all starter code and solution branches as well
Use individual branches to git checkout
starter code or solution for each class.
Note: There is no starter code for chapter 10 because the project is meant to be created with Spring Initializr as part of the lecture example.
If I make changes to the source code in my original repo after you have forked your own copy, you can follow these instructions to pull in my changes on your local machine:
If you have not yet set the upstream connection, do this first in the terminal inside your forked repository:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Carolista/java-lecture-examples-art-gallery
Now you have two remotes, origin
(your fork) and upstream
(my original repo)
In order to pull in changes locally, you will need to fetch anything new from my repo:
git fetch upstream
For any branch you wish to update, first switch to that branch, then merge in my changes.
git checkout branch-name
git merge upstream/branch-name
If you run into merge conflicts, accept the incoming changes from upstream. If you have to manually edit the conflicts before finishing the merge commit, use my original repo as a guide.