Queries for all changed metadata since a given date and generates a salesforce package.xml file
How to run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
ideally in a new virtualenv to install dependencies.- Update the constants USERNAME,PASSWORD,VERSION and MIN_MOD_DATE in the script.
- Download the partner and metadata wsdl from your salesforce org and place them in the same folder as the script.
- Rename the two wsdls as
- Run the script
Will retrieve all components of all types that have been channged since the MIN_MOD_DATE set and output a file named package.xml
If INDIVIDUAL_CHILD_ELEMENTS is True childxml constituents of compound objects will be retrieved and checked independently, otherwise only the top level compound objects will be checked and retrieved.
Output is separated by comments listing the most recent change date and person who changed the component, grouped by name and day.
Output looks like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!--Emmett Smyth On 06/03/18 START-->
<!--Fathima Stein On 06/08/18 START-->
<!--Rehan Begum On 08/02/18 START-->
<members>SBQQ__Quote__c.Quote Not Accepted Status</members>