I'm using the LoopDecorator as a way to dynamically add nodes to my trees. I queue up some actions by adding them to an array in the blackboard and then use a looped sequence to shift an action off of the queue and process it in a task. This continues until the action queue is empty at which point a FAILURE result is returned, breaking out of the Loop and continuing with the rest of the tree.
This pattern has been working fine so far but now i have some cases where I need to interrupt the Loop and then have it continue where it left off on a later step. Unfortunately, if i return a RUNNING status in one of the loop iterations it just continues to the next one.
Does it make sense to extend the LoopDecorator with a custom one that allows it to be stopped and resumed or is there perhaps a better way to handle the scenario I described above?
Thanks for a great library by the way! I'm currently using the typescript version (3.0.0-beta.1).