Caboose is a simple, dynamically typed, bytecode-based interpreted language built on top of a powerful VM.
Caboose aims to be a simple and easy to learn language while still being powerful enough for everyday use. It can compile anywhere C can run so give it a go!
the easiest way to build the command line tool and library is to run the following commands in the project's base directory:
cmake . -Bbuild
cmake --build ./build
Note: This does require CMake to be installed and on your system path. If you get an error about a minimum required version, just upgrade CMake from the latest package, which can be found on their download page.
Suppose you have an example Caboose file named main.cb
// main.cb
fun hello(name) {
print "hello, " + name;
You can run it using the caboose interpreter like so:
$ cb main.cb
To get going quickly, you may want to start a REPL, to do this:
$ cb
Below is a minimal embedded Caboose interpreter in C
#include <caboose/vm.h>
int main() {
InterpretResult result = interpret("var some = \"example source code\";");
// These exit codes represent the closest thing in Unix to what they actually mean in this context
Caboose is licensed under the MIT License.