CWRUbotix Coding Conventions
Taken from
In general all names should be descriptive. The following are examples of the casing for different names.
- Package names: package_name
- Topics/Services: topic_or_service_name
- Message/Service file names: MyMessage.msg, MyService.srv
- Message/Service fields: message_field
- Message/Service constant values: CONSTANT_NAME
- Node names: my_node
- Launch files: launch_file.launch
- Topics are for things that are published repeatedly
- Services are for when you want to cause something to happen
- Actions are for the same cases as services but when the thing you want to happen might take a while or need to be interrupted
- Use agreed upon ROS topic names. For example, the topic to drive the robot should be cmd_vel and should be of type geometry_msgs/Twist
- Use existing ROS topic types when applicable. For example sensor_msgs/BatteryState or sensor_msgs/Imu
- Use namespacing in the parameter server so that everything isn't in the global namespace. For example autonomy/target_robot_speed instead of target_robot_speed
- Python ROS nodes should be implemented as classes
- Anything being published could have its own publish function that encapsulates the code to convert data to ROS msg types
- Click here for our tutorial on setting up your computer.