Home Surveillance with Raspberry with a total of 342 lines of Python Code and 192 lines of HTML. For technical details check the realted files below.
- img
- styles
- Landing page with a basic html code supported by jQuery in order to send on/off ajax requests to our server and to update the system status.
- Extra page with project credits and copyrights
- Determines which email the pictures will be sent to
- Sizes the images taken from the Raspberry Pi before sending them over email
- Loads the website from the templates folder
- Starts and stops the watching code and returns output into terminal
- The web server framework.
- Checks to see if the Dropbox should be used
- Initialize the camera and grab a reference to the raw camera capture
- Capture frames from the camera
- Check to see if the frames should be displayed to screen
- Using the defined mail address on gmail, it send a alert mail with attached images
- Taken frames are kept in /tmp folder with concecutive numbering.
- Includes the email credentials
- Extra file from the utils.py