- Section 1: Environment installtion and dependencies
- Section 2: How to run examples and tests
- Section 3: Usage of the code
- Section 4: Algorithmic overview
- The code was ran and tested under:
- Macos Catalina with clang 12 compiler
- Linux Ubuntu with gcc 9.3 compiler
- Windows 10 with mingw gcc 9.3 compiler
- For compilation of the source code there are no additional dependencies
- For testing and log analysis tools we have the following dependencies:
- Python 3.8.5
- pandas (pip3 install pandas)
- Examples of the code usage can be found under src/Example/run_example.cpp
- To run examples download the following maps from DIMACS challenge site and place them under src/Example/Resources directory:
- NY distance + time graph (gr format)
- BAY distance + time graph (gr format)
- COL distance + time graph (gr format)
- NE distance + time graph (gr format)
- A simple example can be found under single_run_ny_map function
- A very extensive example (several hours of runtime) is found under run_all_queries function.
- To run the examples:
- From root directory run "make rebuild"
- Run "./build/example"
- To run the tests:
- Run "run_all_queries" function as described in run examples.
- Run ./test/test.py "root directory of generated logs from the previous step" "filename for the test results"
- The tests compare the results against precalculated bench marks, to ensure that every solution in the full pareto set is eps dominated by a solution in the apporximated pareto set.
- To run log analysis:
- Run ./src/Utils/log_analyser.py "path to log file" "output format"
- Output format can be "csv" or "json"
#include "src/BiCriteria/PPA.h"
SolutionSet get_apx_pareto_set(std::vector<Edge> &edges) {
// Load the search graph into adjacency matrix. Can be done using std::vector
// of edges at construction or adding the nodes one by one using .add method.
AdjacencyMatrix graph(graph_size, edges);
// Assign heuristic function/functor that takes size_t (node it) as parameter
// and return Pair<size_t> (heuristic cost for cost1 and cost2)
YourHeuristic your_heuristic(args);
Heuristic heuristic = std::bind(&YourHeuristic::operator(), your_heuristic, _1);
// Run the desired search by passing calling the PPA functor. The solutions will
// be returned into the passed SolutionSet. You can pass as argument a Logger
// instance if you desire logging.
SolutionSet solutions;
PPA ppa(graph, {eps,eps}, logger);
ppa(source, target, heuristic, solutions);
return solutions
- Compile your code together with PPA source files.