An python module that connects with Sphero SPRK+. Under development
- Linux (bluepy & bluez dependence)
- >= python3.3
To install the latest released version:
$ pip install sphero_sprk
$ cd <python site package>/bluepy
$ make
from sphero_sprk import Sphero
orb = Sphero("C8:A2:4D:7D:FA:4F")
- ping()
- version()
- get_device_name()
- set_rgb_led(red, green, blue)
- get_rgb_led()
- start_gyro_callback(callback function)
- start_accel_callback(callback function)
- start_imu_callback(callback function)
- set_stabilization(bool)
- set_raw_motor_values(lmode, lpower, rmode, rpower)
- set_heading(new_zero_heading_according_to_old_heading)
- roll(heading, speed)
- if program throws
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/$USER/python3.4/site-packages/bluepy/bluepy-helper'.
Go to the directory where bluepy is installed(/home/$USER/python3.4/site-packages/bluepy/
) and run the makefile located in the directory. - if the program halts at the beginning, restarting the program a few times will solve the problem. There's a known issue with bluepy sometimes getting stuck at the initialization phase.
Created and Maintained by CMU Assistive Robots Lab Contact: Zhi
Licensed under the MIT license