This project contains the application's UI built with React, Vite, TypeScript, and SWC. It requires Node.js v20, nvm (or n), and Yarn v4.
- Clone the repository and
into the root directory:
git clone`
cd template-vite-react
- Setup Node.js and Yarn
# using nvm
nvm install --latest-npm
nvm use
# using n
n install auto
n use auto
# enable corepack
corepack enable yarn
- Install dependencies:
- Install pre-commit hooks:
yarn prepare
To build the application, run the following from the root directory:
yarn build
To run all tests, run the following from the root directory:
yarn test
To lint all files, run the following from the root directory:
yarn lint
First, run the post-install script to create the local development environment file from the example environment file.
sh ./scripts/
To start the local development server, run the following from the root directory:
yarn dev