We are trying to validate the C-grid code in UFS, CESM, and RASM. Some initial discussion is here, #717. In summary, UFS is not bit-for-bit when updating to the C-grid version. We suspect this is due to changes in the coupling/forcing averaging/handling. We tested changing the uocn/vocn/ss_tltx/ss_tlty from an "S" averaging to and "F" averaging in UFS and this did not fix the problem, although it may play a role. Additional debugging needs to be done. @DeniseWorthen is working on UFS, @dabail10 is working on CESM, @apcraig is working on RASM. The UFS results show largest differences after one coupling period on the trigrid seam, so tripole vs displaced pole could play and role, and we need to consider that.
As a next step, the CICE in RASM will be updated to pre and post C-grid versions and run side-by-side to check results. UFS will be run with ndte=1 to more cleanly assess differences after one timestep. CESM is planning to create pre and post C-grid branches for validation as well.