This issue follows from a discussion with Bill Lipscomb.
a) Undefined (equal to 0) velocities are currently used at the ice edge for the calculation of strain rates. For this C-grid this affects the rheology term and diagnostics (div + shear). For the B-grid, this affects diagnostics (div + shear) be verified.
b) Does it also affect the U point u,v (for remap) obtained from interpolating uvelE and vvelN? To be verified.
There are two possible approaches:
Use masking logic to avoid spurious large gradients at cell edges where velocity components are not defined. If one of the two adjacent edges is masked out (because it sits between two ice-free ocean cells with indeterminate speed), set the gradient (either du/dy or dv/dx) to zero. If one of the edges is land-based with a speed of zero, it's OK to include the zero value in the average.
Extend the mask where u and v are calculated. For these additional u and v, P=0 such that the freedrift velocities would be obtained. The momentum balance would be aice tauair = aice tauwater. A minimum value for aice might be required to avoid a division by zero in stepu (or step_vel).
Maybe the second approach is better as it deals with a) and b).