The timeseries plotter appears to be picking up values that it should not.
These issues were noted in #533, for nonstandard plots (so the problem might be my editing of the timeseries script, rather than a problem originally in the script). They occur with all types of forcing (JRA, CORE, NCARbulk). I'm attaching two examples, one for sst and one for the area-weighted total energy plots.
In the sst example,
grep sst cice.runlog* > sst_gx1_jra_all
grep "sst (C)" cice.runlog* > sst_gx1_jra_C
diff sst_gx1_jra_all sst_gx1_jra_C > diff_sst
less diff_sst
< min/max sst, frzmlt
< min, max, sum = -1.96869665044293 32.9603346231369 1525878.86583381 sst
< min, max, sum = -1.90458264992426 32.7596970527221 1530936.61448477 sst
< min, max, sum = -1.90458264992426 31.7854126938785 1534787.65564628 sst
< min, max, sum = -1.90458264992426 31.9466864214512 1526806.43659672 sst
The last values (~1.5e6) in the latter four lines in the diff_sst file appear to correspond with the four spikes in the plot. The timeseries plot was created with timeseries_all.csh, which greps on the "ssh (C)" form, so I don't think it should be picking up these values. But maybe I don't understand how the script works. Could this be a line-continuation problem?
A similar thing seems to be happening in the arwt_tot_energy plot (but not for the arwt_tot_energy_chng plot).
I didn't try the python script.
Also, it might be nice to add options for plotting more variables to the script (or add scripts). Just a thought.