related to #646
Expected behavior
I expect cate 2.0.0. dev-19 to display both Title and Date/time of animation map together
The animation map generated by cate 2.0.0. dev-19 cannot display both title and date/time together
*cate 2.0.0. dev-19 shows date/time of animation map when a title is not specified. Cate on the other hand does not how date/time of animation map when title of animation is provided *
Steps to reproduce the problem
download aerosol data
ds_AOD550 = cate.ops.open_dataset(ds_id="local.esacci.AEROSOL.mon.L3C.AER_PRODUCTS.AATSR.Envisat.SU.4-21.r1.7bf468ae-f0c1-394e-b4ef-cf8b04834ef3", time_range="2005-01-01,2009-12-29") -
*Check the country LAYERS box and select/activate any country of your choice(my e.g NIGER) *
use the Spatial subset operator to subset the ds_AOD550 for Niger(invoke the selected country WKT for the spatial subset)
Use the animate_map operator to plot animation map for the subset data (invoke the selected country WKT), select the AOD550 variable and MAKE SURE animate_dim is TIME and execute the operator WITHOUT specifying TITLE
Create another animate_map, select the AOD550 variable, specify the animate_dim as 'time' and provide a Title e.g Niger_animate map (remember to invoke the selected country WKT)
cate 2.0.0. dev-19