A Java/Kotlin wrapper for the Metron API.
To get started with Kalibak, add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle.kts
repositories {
Then, add Kalibak as a dependency.
dependencies {
import github.buriedincode.kalibak.Metron
import github.buriedincode.kalibak.SQLiteCache
import github.buriedincode.kalibak.AuthenticationException
import github.buriedincode.kalibak.ServiceException
fun main() {
try {
val session = Metron("Username", "Password", cache=SQLiteCache())
// Get all Marvel comics for the week of 2021-06-07
val thisWeek = session.listIssues(params = mapOf(
"store_date_range_after" to "2021-06-07",
"store_date_range_before" to "2021-06-13",
"publisher_name" to "marvel"
// Print the results
thisWeek.forEach {
println("${it.id} ${it.name}")
// Retrieve the detail for an individual issue
val asm68 = session.getIssue(id = 31660)
// Print the issue Description
} catch (ae: AuthenticationException) {
println("Invalid Metron Username/Password.")
} catch (se: ServiceException) {
println("Unsuccessful request: ${se.message}")
For a complete list of available query parameters, refer to Metron's API docs.