Ikari Full Action is an open-source Syobon Action fangame created by Team Jub!! A congregation of hooligans that make the world just a little more epic!
The game is centered around you playing as the totally awesome Ikari and her friend Lilly, oh and somebody else but i wont tell you who!!!
The current Ikariers are:
- Pixa - Artist/Animator
- Burgerballs - Programmer, Level Designer and Musician
- Nuv - Musician
- Raven/Null - Professional Existing Connoisseur and Purple Horse Virus Patient Zero
This repo is in super duper work in progress mode and that means things are a little evil and not worky atm, expect the game to be more uhh... gamey! in the coming few months!
To export this project, you need 3 things
- Either a Mac, Windows, or Linux/X11 machine
- Godot Engine 4.2.1
- A brain (optional)
go here
press "Export Project"