- ninjamuffin99 - Programming
- PhantomArcade3K and Evilsk8r - Art
- Kawai Sprite - Music
This game was made with love to Newgrounds and its community. Extra love to Tom Fulp.
- KadeDeveloper - Maintainer and lead programmer
- The contributors
- GWebDev - Video Code
- ShadowMario - Psych Engine ideas and some stolen code. (fucking sorry)
- Rozebud - Ideas (that I stole)
- Puyo - Setting up appveyor and a lot of other help
- Smokey - telling me that I should do the tricky asset loading
- Poco - math degree (aka most of the fucking math in this project)
- Fox - circle noteskins
- Orbyy - pixel circle noteskins
- Glowsoony - Note Splashes code, Mirror and Duet for chart, 1.5 update (working or finished?, Crash Handler (from psych)).
- Awoofle - Tween Manager and Assets Cache.
- MAJigsaw77 - Shaders, MP4, and future polymod hscript support.
- Bolo - Engine fixes and some features.
- Shubs - Forever Engine dump cache