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Bug 219767: Move font size functions in nsStyleUtil into nsRuleNode. …
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ShriramK committed May 31, 2012
1 parent 701fc18 commit ce735e6
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Showing 4 changed files with 285 additions and 310 deletions.
272 changes: 268 additions & 4 deletions layout/style/nsRuleNode.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -2434,6 +2434,270 @@ ComputeScriptLevelSize(const nsStyleFont* aFont, const nsStyleFont* aParentFont,

/* static */ nscoord
nsRuleNode::CalcFontPointSize(PRInt32 aHTMLSize, PRInt32 aBasePointSize,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsFontSizeType aFontSizeType)
#define sFontSizeTableMin 9
#define sFontSizeTableMax 16

// This table seems to be the one used by MacIE5. We hope its adoption in Mozilla
// and eventually in WinIE5.5 will help to establish a standard rendering across
// platforms and browsers. For now, it is used only in Strict mode. More can be read
// in the document written by Todd Farhner at:
static PRInt32 sStrictFontSizeTable[sFontSizeTableMax - sFontSizeTableMin + 1][8] =
{ 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 14, 18, 27},
{ 9, 9, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30},
{ 9, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 22, 33},
{ 9, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36},
{ 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 26, 39},
{ 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 28, 42},
{ 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 23, 30, 45},
{ 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48}
// HTML 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// CSS xxs xs s m l xl xxl
// |
// user pref
// This table gives us compatibility with WinNav4 for the default fonts only.
// In WinNav4, the default fonts were:
// Times/12pt == Times/16px at 96ppi
// Courier/10pt == Courier/13px at 96ppi
// The 2 lines below marked "anchored" have the exact pixel sizes used by
// WinNav4 for Times/12pt and Courier/10pt at 96ppi. As you can see, the
// HTML size 3 (user pref) for those 2 anchored lines is 13px and 16px.
// All values other than the anchored values were filled in by hand, never
// going below 9px, and maintaining a "diagonal" relationship. See for
// example the 13s -- they follow a diagonal line through the table.
static PRInt32 sQuirksFontSizeTable[sFontSizeTableMax - sFontSizeTableMin + 1][8] =
{ 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 14, 18, 28 },
{ 9, 9, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 31 },
{ 9, 9, 9, 11, 13, 17, 22, 34 },
{ 9, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 37 },
{ 9, 9, 10, 13, 16, 20, 26, 40 }, // anchored (13)
{ 9, 9, 11, 14, 17, 21, 28, 42 },
{ 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 23, 30, 45 },
{ 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48 } // anchored (16)
// HTML 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// CSS xxs xs s m l xl xxl
// |
// user pref

#if 0
// These are the exact pixel values used by WinIE5 at 96ppi.
{ ?, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 32 }, // smallest
{ ?, 9, 12, 13, 16, 21, 27, 40 }, // smaller
{ ?, 10, 13, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48 }, // medium
{ ?, 13, 16, 19, 21, 27, 37, ?? }, // larger
{ ?, 16, 19, 21, 24, 32, 43, ?? } // largest
// HTML 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// CSS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
// (CSS not tested yet.)

static PRInt32 sFontSizeFactors[8] = { 60,75,89,100,120,150,200,300 };

static PRInt32 sCSSColumns[7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; // xxs...xxl
static PRInt32 sHTMLColumns[7] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; // 1...7

double dFontSize;

if (aFontSizeType == eFontSize_HTML) {
aHTMLSize--; // input as 1-7

if (aHTMLSize < 0)
aHTMLSize = 0;
else if (aHTMLSize > 6)
aHTMLSize = 6;

PRInt32* column;
switch (aFontSizeType)
case eFontSize_HTML: column = sHTMLColumns; break;
case eFontSize_CSS: column = sCSSColumns; break;

// Make special call specifically for fonts (needed PrintPreview)
PRInt32 fontSize = nsPresContext::AppUnitsToIntCSSPixels(aBasePointSize);

if ((fontSize >= sFontSizeTableMin) && (fontSize <= sFontSizeTableMax))
PRInt32 row = fontSize - sFontSizeTableMin;

if (aPresContext->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_NavQuirks) {
dFontSize = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(sQuirksFontSizeTable[row][column[aHTMLSize]]);
} else {
dFontSize = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(sStrictFontSizeTable[row][column[aHTMLSize]]);
PRInt32 factor = sFontSizeFactors[column[aHTMLSize]];
dFontSize = (factor * aBasePointSize) / 100;

if (1.0 < dFontSize) {
return (nscoord)dFontSize;
return (nscoord)1;


/* static */ nscoord
nsRuleNode::FindNextSmallerFontSize(nscoord aFontSize, PRInt32 aBasePointSize,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsFontSizeType aFontSizeType)
PRInt32 index;
PRInt32 indexMin;
PRInt32 indexMax;
float relativePosition;
nscoord smallerSize;
nscoord indexFontSize = aFontSize; // XXX initialize to quell a spurious gcc3.2 warning
nscoord smallestIndexFontSize;
nscoord largestIndexFontSize;
nscoord smallerIndexFontSize;
nscoord largerIndexFontSize;

nscoord onePx = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);

if (aFontSizeType == eFontSize_HTML) {
indexMin = 1;
indexMax = 7;
} else {
indexMin = 0;
indexMax = 6;

smallestIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(indexMin, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
largestIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(indexMax, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
if (aFontSize > smallestIndexFontSize) {
if (aFontSize < NSToCoordRound(float(largestIndexFontSize) * 1.5)) { // smaller will be in HTML table
// find largest index smaller than current
for (index = indexMax; index >= indexMin; index--) {
indexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
if (indexFontSize < aFontSize)
// set up points beyond table for interpolation purposes
if (indexFontSize == smallestIndexFontSize) {
smallerIndexFontSize = indexFontSize - onePx;
largerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index+1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
} else if (indexFontSize == largestIndexFontSize) {
smallerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index-1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
largerIndexFontSize = NSToCoordRound(float(largestIndexFontSize) * 1.5);
} else {
smallerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index-1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
largerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index+1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
// compute the relative position of the parent size between the two closest indexed sizes
relativePosition = float(aFontSize - indexFontSize) / float(largerIndexFontSize - indexFontSize);
// set the new size to have the same relative position between the next smallest two indexed sizes
smallerSize = smallerIndexFontSize + NSToCoordRound(relativePosition * (indexFontSize - smallerIndexFontSize));
else { // larger than HTML table, drop by 33%
smallerSize = NSToCoordRound(float(aFontSize) / 1.5);
else { // smaller than HTML table, drop by 1px
smallerSize = NS_MAX(aFontSize - onePx, onePx);
return smallerSize;


/* static */ nscoord
nsRuleNode::FindNextLargerFontSize(nscoord aFontSize, PRInt32 aBasePointSize,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsFontSizeType aFontSizeType)
PRInt32 index;
PRInt32 indexMin;
PRInt32 indexMax;
float relativePosition;
nscoord adjustment;
nscoord largerSize;
nscoord indexFontSize = aFontSize; // XXX initialize to quell a spurious gcc3.2 warning
nscoord smallestIndexFontSize;
nscoord largestIndexFontSize;
nscoord smallerIndexFontSize;
nscoord largerIndexFontSize;

nscoord onePx = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1);

if (aFontSizeType == eFontSize_HTML) {
indexMin = 1;
indexMax = 7;
} else {
indexMin = 0;
indexMax = 6;

smallestIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(indexMin, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
largestIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(indexMax, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
if (aFontSize > (smallestIndexFontSize - onePx)) {
if (aFontSize < largestIndexFontSize) { // larger will be in HTML table
// find smallest index larger than current
for (index = indexMin; index <= indexMax; index++) {
indexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
if (indexFontSize > aFontSize)
// set up points beyond table for interpolation purposes
if (indexFontSize == smallestIndexFontSize) {
smallerIndexFontSize = indexFontSize - onePx;
largerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index+1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
} else if (indexFontSize == largestIndexFontSize) {
smallerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index-1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
largerIndexFontSize = NSCoordSaturatingMultiply(largestIndexFontSize, 1.5);
} else {
smallerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index-1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
largerIndexFontSize = CalcFontPointSize(index+1, aBasePointSize, aPresContext, aFontSizeType);
// compute the relative position of the parent size between the two closest indexed sizes
relativePosition = float(aFontSize - smallerIndexFontSize) / float(indexFontSize - smallerIndexFontSize);
// set the new size to have the same relative position between the next largest two indexed sizes
adjustment = NSCoordSaturatingNonnegativeMultiply(largerIndexFontSize - indexFontSize, relativePosition);
largerSize = NSCoordSaturatingAdd(indexFontSize, adjustment);
else { // larger than HTML table, increase by 50%
largerSize = NSCoordSaturatingMultiply(aFontSize, 1.5);
else { // smaller than HTML table, increase by 1px
largerSize = NSCoordSaturatingAdd(aFontSize, onePx);
return largerSize;

struct SetFontSizeCalcOps : public css::BasicCoordCalcOps,
public css::NumbersAlreadyNormalizedOps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2509,12 +2773,12 @@ nsRuleNode::SetFontSize(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
zoom = true;
if ((NS_STYLE_FONT_SIZE_XXSMALL <= value) &&
*aSize = nsStyleUtil::CalcFontPointSize(value, baseSize,
*aSize = CalcFontPointSize(value, baseSize,
aPresContext, eFontSize_CSS);
else if (NS_STYLE_FONT_SIZE_XXXLARGE == value) {
// <font size="7"> is not specified in CSS, so we don't use eFontSize_CSS.
*aSize = nsStyleUtil::CalcFontPointSize(value, baseSize, aPresContext);
*aSize = CalcFontPointSize(value, baseSize, aPresContext);
else if (NS_STYLE_FONT_SIZE_LARGER == value ||
Expand All @@ -2529,14 +2793,14 @@ nsRuleNode::SetFontSize(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsStyleFont::UnZoomText(aPresContext, aParentSize);

*aSize = nsStyleUtil::FindNextLargerFontSize(parentSize,
*aSize = FindNextLargerFontSize(parentSize,
baseSize, aPresContext, eFontSize_CSS);

NS_ASSERTION(*aSize >= parentSize,
"FindNextLargerFontSize failed");
else {
*aSize = nsStyleUtil::FindNextSmallerFontSize(parentSize,
*aSize = FindNextSmallerFontSize(parentSize,
baseSize, aPresContext, eFontSize_CSS);
NS_ASSERTION(*aSize < parentSize ||
parentSize <= nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1),
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions layout/style/nsRuleNode.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,6 +216,11 @@ struct nsCachedStyleData
* represented by an nsRuleNode are also immutable.

enum nsFontSizeType {
eFontSize_HTML = 1,
eFontSize_CSS = 2

class nsRuleNode {
enum RuleDetail {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -717,6 +722,18 @@ class nsRuleNode {

static void ComputeFontFeatures(const nsCSSValuePairList *aFeaturesList,
nsTArray<gfxFontFeature>& aFeatureSettings);

static nscoord CalcFontPointSize(PRInt32 aHTMLSize, PRInt32 aBasePointSize,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsFontSizeType aFontSizeType = eFontSize_HTML);

static nscoord FindNextSmallerFontSize(nscoord aFontSize, PRInt32 aBasePointSize,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsFontSizeType aFontSizeType = eFontSize_HTML);

static nscoord FindNextLargerFontSize(nscoord aFontSize, PRInt32 aBasePointSize,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsFontSizeType aFontSizeType = eFontSize_HTML);


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