Git tool is strongly recommended for colabotation and multi-source control
- To edit current code, make a branch (collaberators) or fork (everyone else feel interested) to your own repo by clicking the fork on top right corner
- Keep the main branch for general propose usage and always functional.
- So DO NOT commit directly to the main branch, make a branch and pull request instead.
- To become a collaberator, please contact
- more introductions for collaberators refer to
- See AFAM repo:
- Go to AeroLabSting
- Go to ATI
- Synchronization for the high speed cameras, motion control and PIV system to have a phased marked data.
- Beta version in PITCH, which is able to control the pitch motion of mps.
- Comerhansive driving code for wind tunnel data acquisition, utilizing tools and functions from all packages.
- Scripts from Jenya/summer experiments: Jenya's code
- Script from Alex april 2020 that works, but was not very modular: voltageToForces.m , this relies on a few other files in this folder: Alex's code
- Script from flume: Flume_Control_code