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@Brendonovich Brendonovich released this 11 Jan 08:16
· 163 commits to main since this release

What was going to be a small release with some bug fixes has turned into a whole lot of features and changes, but 0.6.4 is finally here!

First, I'd like to thank @0xtlt and @Congyuwang for their generous sponsorship. It really means a lot to me!

New Features

Improved batching (#237)

Any combination of tuples and Vecs can now be batched together

Interactive transactions (#60)

With Prisma bringing interactive transactions into GA in 4.7.0, they've now been implemented with both closure-based and begin/commit/rollback methods being supported.

Mock client (#230)

Sometimes you may want to write tests that don't connect to a database. Mocking is great for this, allowing you to create a client that retrieves query results from values you pass in beforehand.

More traits (#232)

A whole lot of traits have been added and implemented for the query builders. These can be used to make reusable wrapper functions that can add parameters to multiple types of queries in a generic manner.

is_null field function (#214)

This field function is available for checking if optional 1-1 relations are connected or not.

Dedicated types generated for named select & include (#216)

When using specta/rspc, dedicated TypeScript types will be generated for named select and include types. Though this is possible, it's recommended to use rspc.inferProcedureResult and the like to extract procedure types.

Bug Fixes

Enum fixes (#199, #197, #217, #204)

A regression in 0.6.3 messed up how enums are qualified in the codegen. This is now fixed, along with some QoL improvements.

not field function now Option for optional fields (#206)

Fixed FindMany batch type (#208)

Upsert::include accepts IncludeType (#221)

Preview features now passed to the connector (#228)

Other Changes

Include & select code consolidated (#156)

Naming clashes now prefix with r# (#194)

What's Next

I probably won't put out another release until 0.7.0. This library is at a pretty good point right now feature-wise, and I'd like to focus on improving documentation and creating content to increase awareness.

Again, thank you to my sponsors, and thank you to everyone who has created issues, tested changes, submitted PRs, joined the Discord, and starred the repo!