User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
Powerful Mindmap Editing Tool
React Component for drawing in canvas
Ant Design for React Native
Emote Portrait Alive: Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
A Qt QDateEdit widget that can also handle null values
Cross platform C/C++ library with C#, Java, Python, Progress 4GL wrappers and command line tools for generating Microsoft Word .DOCX (OpenXML) files
Qt Model for presenting Json data in a table
QT Table Model that takes arrays of hashes in JSON format to populate the table
A wrapper to use Unqlite library in C# (or any CLR compatible language).
A clone of UnQlite (not offiical): UnQLite is a in-process software library which implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL database engine. UnQLite is a docu…
A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
A C++ library for interacting with JSON.
TinyDB is a lightweight document oriented database optimized for your happiness :)
Minimal demonstration how to use React and ES6 with Electron.
Clone to try a simple Electron app
Redefined chart library built with React and D3
An Electron app that uses Create React App and Electron Forge.
Excel XLSX parser/generator written in JavaScript with Node.js and browser support, jQuery/d3-style method chaining, encryption, and a focus on keeping existing workbook features and styles in tact.
electron12 + umi3.2 + typescript react 16.12 + redux + antDesign 4.0 + eslint tslint react-tslint脚手架, 下载即用,仅供学习参考
Electron + Vite + React + Sass boilerplate.
A demo for using JWT (Json Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot 2
Spring Boot + Security: Token Based Authentication example with JWT, Authorization, Spring Data & MySQL