Welcome to the Virtual Café server application! This server simulates a café environment where clients can place orders for tea or coffee.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your machine.
- Gson library. Download it from here and place the
file in the root directory.
navigate to the root of the file path
cd virtual-cafe
compile barista with gson
javac -cp ".:gson.jar" Barista.java
run barista
java -cp ".:gson.jar" Barista
compile customer
javac -cp "." Customer.java
run customer
java -cp "." Customer
- Multithreaded server architecture.
- Simulates a dynamic café environment with waiting, brewing, and tray areas.
- Handles multiple clients concurrently.
- Authentication mechanism using a shared secret key.
- Graceful handling of client exits and SIGTERM signals.
- Logging of server states in the terminal and JSON file.