基于.Netcore的开发效率高,性能强,跨平台,持久化层透明,支持不停服热更新的游戏服务器。Best for your unity game server!
xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc.
luban是一个强大、易用、优雅、稳定的游戏配置解决方案。luban is a powerful, easy-to-use, elegant and stable game configuration solution.
HybridCLR是一个特性完整、零成本、高性能、低内存的Unity全平台原生c#热更新解决方案。 HybridCLR is a fully featured, zero-cost, high-performance, low-memory solution for Unity's all-platform native c# hotupdate.
An Open Source Pixelart Science-Fiction Real-Time-Strategy game
OpenSAGE is a free, open source re-implementation of SAGE, the 3D real time strategy (RTS) engine used in Command & Conquer: Generals and other RTS titles from EA Pacific. Written in C#. Not affili…
Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
Unity time rewind solution, that is easily customizable for any project.
A unity addon for adding stretchy bouncy physics to bones and meshes.
Yarn Spinner is a tool for building interactive dialogue in games!
⚛️ Tiny modular pieces utilizing the power of Scriptable Objects
Yet Another Fractal Explorer (YAFE) is an interactive application that allows you to visualise and explore 2D and 3D Fractals!
A practice to movement of 3D characters based on a network system. (Unity 3D, Node JS, Socket IO)
StateMachine for UniTask. StateMachine Editor Included.
A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server
A tool for easy automating and customizing build process for Unity.
A simple mirror reflection effect for a uGUI without reflection probes or shaders.
The code for my series of tutorials on how to make a real-time stategy (RTS) game in the well-know Unity game engine (with C# scripting)!
The collection of samples in this repo use Unity Gaming Services in a Unity project to demonstrate live gaming operations.
Source code from my C# networking tutorial series on YouTube.
how to make a procedural grid world in under 2 minutes in unity (scripts)
Custom BASH script for build, archive, export and upload APK and IPA to server with Telegram notification
Little iOS plugin for Unity to work app in background
Simple twin slider based on Unity UI sliders
A powerful automation tool for quickly and easily generating builds with Unity.
🔌 WebSocket client for Unity - with no external dependencies (WebGL, Native, Android, iOS, UWP)
Generic implementation of Repository pattern in C# .NET