This project is a software rasterizer able to render 3D graphics in real time and save the rendered results to disk.
The only supported platform is Windows (7 all the way up to 11 on both 32 and 64 bit architectures).
It is necessary to be compiled with MSVC. The C++ version used is C++20.
It works out of the box since I only use relative paths and the project does not have external dependencies.
W, A, S, D, Shift and Space move the camera.
The arrow keys, F7 and F8 rotate your head around.
F5 renders the scene with PBR and saves it to disk.
F6 swaps projection type.
F3 decreases the FOV.
F4 increases the FOV.
Escape closes the app.
F11 toggles full screen on or off.
I am not the author of the amazing PBR materials, nor the HDR sIBL environment maps. I got them from and I only use them to test my software and I do not own any ownership over them.
The actual software is free for anyone as long as it is not used commercially, but as an educational resource or an external dependency for personal projects. With that said, I do not assume responsibility for anything that might happen because of using this software. All rights reserved.
- Rasterizer (fully featured)
- Deferred renderer with PBR pipeline
- Real time Phong
- Texture sampling with wrapping (repeat, mirror, clamp and black) and filtering (nearest and bi-linear)
Cascaded shadow maps with PCSS and PCF
Allow the fog to have the color of the env map
Allow texture wrapping and lerping on individual component
Depth of field
Orbit camera
Focal length
Fish eye lens
Scene Hierarchy
Improve Model loader (optimize vertex pool)
Load mtllib as well
Save compressed Model
Add Transform and Material on Mesh
Add Transform on Model
Generate iradiance map on startup
Generate BRDF LUT on startup
Generate prefiltered convoluted maps on startup
Check for bugs in the composit fragment shader, PBR related math functions and light calculations