This is a library for writing plugins for the snap telemetry framework. The goal for this library is to make it super simple to write a plugin.
In order to write a plugin for snap, it is necessary to define some methods to satisfy the appropriate interfaces. The interface is slightly different depending on what type (collector, processor, or publisher) of plugin is being written. The interfaces are:
type Plugin interface {
GetConfigPolicy() (ConfigPolicy, error)
// Collector is a plugin which is the source of new data in the Snap pipeline.
type Collector interface {
GetMetricTypes(Config) ([]Metric, error)
CollectMetrics([]Metric) ([]Metric, error)
// Processor is a plugin which filters, agregates, or decorates data in the
// Snap pipeline.
type Processor interface {
Process([]Metric, Config) ([]Metric, error)
// Publisher is a sink in the Snap pipeline. It publishes data into another
// System, completing a Workflow path.
type Publisher interface {
Publish([]Metric, Config) error
After implementing a type that satisfies one of {collector, processor, publisher} interfaces, all that is left to do is a call the appropriate plugin.StartX() with your plugin specific options. That could be as simple as:
plugin.StartCollector(rand.RandCollector{}, pluginName, pluginVersion)
The available options are defined in plugin/meta.go. You can use some or none of the options. The options with definitions/explanations are below:
// ConcurrencyCount is the max number of concurrent calls the plugin
// should take. For example:
// If there are 5 tasks using the plugin and its concurrency count is 2,
// snapd will keep 3 plugin instances running.
// ConcurrencyCount overwrites the default (5) for a Meta's ConcurrencyCount.
func ConcurrencyCount(cc int) MetaOpt {
// Exclusive == true results in a single instance of the plugin running
// regardless of the number of tasks using the plugin.
// Exclusive overwrites the default (false) for a Meta's Exclusive key.
func Exclusive(e bool) MetaOpt {
// Unsecure results in unencrypted communication with this plugin.
// Unsecure overwrites the default (false) for a Meta's Unsecure key.
func Unsecure(e bool) MetaOpt {
// RoutingStrategy will override the routing strategy this plugin requires.
// The default routing strategy is Least Recently Used.
// RoutingStrategy overwrites the default (LRU) for a Meta's RoutingStrategy.
func RoutingStrategy(r router) MetaOpt {
// CacheTTL will override the default cache TTL for the this plugin. snapd
// caches metrics on the daemon side for a default of 500ms.
// CacheTTL overwrites the default (500ms) for a Meta's CacheTTL.
func CacheTTL(t time.Duration) MetaOpt {
An example of what using all of them would look like: