The major objective of this company is to help users or customers save money for the education of their children or themselves over a prespecified period of time. And Bluhuss would build and a WEB APPLICATION to do just that.
We would be working with two basic properties:
--BASIC FUNCTIONS-- -- -Affiliate system -Payment gateway (payStack) -Email verfication -3 or 4 step Registeration -powerfull admin dashboard -user can operate more than one plan in a single account. -user can stop half-way and request withdrawal of his current saving.
-.....The rest is time and user information.....
Lets Take a new user "User-A" for example, this user wants to save for his unborn child's University Education...
/STEP 1/--- User-A signs Up with Name, email and password...[There would be a 4-Step Registeration, email verification and password strength must be greater than average.]..
/STEP 2/--- User-A is sent to his email account to confirm his email, once the confirmation is done, User-A is then given access to the next stage.
/STEP 3/--- User-A selects out of two option {NURSERY or PRIMARY funds} OR {SECONDARY or UNIVERSITY funds}.....User-A clicks option 2 and is sent to the next stage..
/STEP 4/--- User-A is then promted to select from 4-options the grade of schools he intends to send his kid, being {Public}, {Premium}, {Ultimate}, {International}. He selcts one and is sent to the next stage...
/STEP 5/-- User-A would then choose his payment Plan or/and Sub-Pland, the Plan being {3-years}, {5-years}, {10-years}. And Sub-Plan Being {Weekly-Payment}, {Monthly-Payments}, {Quarterly_payments}...
/STEP 6/--- User-A would then be sent to form area for himself, the beneficiary(Kid) and a third party......once the form filled correctly, he moves on to the final....
/STEP 7 (Final)/--- User-A is then taken to the payment gateway where he would input his card details for payment..on Succes, he is sent to his dash board........