A simple Discord Bot written in Java which can play music from YouTube or local files
Arch: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/blizcord/
All other distributions:
- Install Java and wget
- Download the latest "blizcord-linux-online.sh" file from Releases
Nothing to install, download the latest exe and start it.
If you installed the aur package, open a terminal and type: blizcord
or blizcord-gui
(for the graphical version)
If you use the linux online version, make it executable and type: ./blizcord-linux-online.sh
Double click the .exe file for the GUI.
The first time you start the bot, it will crash. It generated the config file. You can edit it with every text editor, or use the GUI as explained here: https://github.com/Bleuzen/Blizcord/wiki/Setup
This program makes use of the following librarys:
View their repository for further information, credits, and licensing.