A better way to do wifi menu
The project is primarily aimed at people that are newbs to linux distros and want a generic solution for whatever window manager , or desktop environment they hope on, worrying about ui for wifi menu is annoying , also gtk, qt implementation look wierd and old to me .If you are in this category this might work for you, other options lack either proper pre configured ui or have a shady look or are non functional in their performance charts . This tries to act as your prefferred way by solving all the problems. The project remains open to any healthy criticism and ideas
If you are looking for a plug and play utility to manage wifi and ethernet connections , network_manager_ui might be the choice for you
This project uses rofi as a ui library and python script as backend to create a seamless, beautiful, elegant and working network manager
If you dont like system tray implementations such as nm_appllet , try this project !
Other implementations such as network_manager_rofi is very slow and inefficent .
Also since the project uses rofi , using Search functionality saves you alot of mouse effort
The menu comes in four diffrent flavours or themes which are references to great color palletes
1.Catppuccin Mocha
2. Nord - Arctic vibes
3. Rospine - Sooho Vibes
4. Monochrome - Minimalism
To change themes go to ~/.config/rofi/wifi/config.rasi and change theme name to whatever you like
Installation Guide- Dependencies- rofi, or rofi-wayland if you are on wayland , NetworkManager , Python3 , pinentry-gtk(default) or pinentry-qt Some form of notification system (ex if you are on a wlroots based compositor swayvnc)
If you are on arch-based system
sudo pacman -Syy rofi-wayland networkmanager python3 pinentry swaync --needed
sudo apt update && sudo apt install network-manager python3 pinentry swaync
If you are on wayland , The rofi-wayland fork is not available on debian based systems from apt , build it from source instead
sudo apt install rofi
sudo dnf install rofi-wayland NetworkManager python3 pinentry swaync
git clone https://github.com/Blazzzeee/network_manager_ui.git
cd network_manager_ui
Run the menu by calling network_manager as a keybind or from your panel such as waybar , polybar etc , without any system tray , don't forget to restart terminal after installation :D
For any issues contact me at @maanikhurana1007@gmail.com