A CLI tool that manage website blocking, unblocking, redirection.
- Block Website: Add websites to blocklist to prevent access.
- Unblock Website: Remove websites from the blocklist to allow access.
- Redirect Website: Redirect traffic from one website to another.
- Add Host Sources: Add host source (A url that contains a list of hostnames).
- Update Host Sources: Update host sources.
- Import hosts: Import hostnames stored in a file and block or unblock them.
- Export hosts: Export the list of currently blocked or unblocked hosts.
Ensure you have Rust installed (If you dont want to install Rust, install from precompiled binary).
git clone https://github.com/BiswajitThakur/host-rs.git
cd host-rs/
cargo install host-rs
- Help
> host-rs --help
A CLI tool that manage website blocking, unblocking, redirection.
Usage: host-rs [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
insert Add host or url to allow, block, redirect, sources list
remove Remove allow, block, redirect host and host sources
print Print allow, block, redirect, etc host and host sources
update Update sources or self
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--allow <ALLOW>... Add host to allow list & removed from block list
--block <BLOCK>... Add to block list & remove from allow list
--redirect <REDIRECT>... Add to redirect list & remove from allow and block
--restore-etc-hosts restore /etc/hosts file
--clear-all-data Clear all data
--export <EXPORT> Expoer user data (you can import it later)
--import <IMPORT> Import data
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- Block Website
host-rs --block <url or hostname1> <url or hostname2> ...
- Remove Website from Blocklist
host-rs rm --block <url or hostname1> <url or hostname2> ...
# or
# host-rs remove --block <url or hostname1> <url or hostname2> ...
- Allow Website
use this when, you added hostsources and if it block some website and you don't want to block it.
host-rs --allow <url or hostname1> <url or hostname2> ...
- Remove Website from Allow List
host-rs rm --allow <url or hostname1> <url or hostname2> ...
- Redirection
In the following example, <url or hostname2>
redirected to <url or hostname1>
and <url or hostname4>
redirected to <url or hostname3>
host-rs --redirect <url or hostname1> <url or hostname2> <url or hostname3> <url or hostname4> ...
- Remove from Redirect
host-rs rm --redirect <url or hostname2> <url or hostname4> ...
- Add Host Sources
You will get verious sources from this repo.
host-rs insert --sources <url of sources>
- Update Host Sources
host-rs update --sources
- Remove Host Sources
host-rs remove --sources <url of sources>
- Uninstall
host-rs remove --self
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs, want to request a new feature or improve the code feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.