In some cooperate environments sending emails isn't simply picking a server and sending it to that server. Sometimes different emails require different types of configurations that are only known at runtime. Does this sound like your problem? This may seem convoluted, but this happens and Bamboo.ConfigAdapter is here to help.
bamboo_config_adapter can be installed
by adding bamboo_config_adapter
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:bamboo_config_adapter, "~> 0.2.0"}
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.ConfigAdapter,
chained_adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter,
server: "smtp.domain",
hostname: "",
username: "", # or {:system, "SMTP_USERNAME"}
password: "pa55word", # or {:system, "SMTP_PASSWORD"}
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.ConfigAdapter
def welcome do
|> Bamboo.ConfigAdapter.Email.put_config(%{server: "smtp.other_domain"})
|> Mailer.deliver_now()
def welcome_runtime_adapter do
|> Bamboo.ConfigAdapter.Email.put_config(%{
server: "smtp.other_domain",
chained_adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter})
|> Mailer.deliver_now()
If the config option :test_mode
is set to true then the email will be sent to Bamboo.TestAdapter instead of the chained_adapter in the config. All config, merged from the config file and any runtime config, will available under the element test_merged_config on the returned email.
Note that the test adapter needs the deliver_later_strategy to be set to Bamboo.ImmediateDeliveryStrategy
For example:
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.ConfigAdapter,
deliver_later_strategy: Bamboo.ImmediateDeliveryStrategy,
test_mode: true
|> Bamboo.ConfigAdapter.Email.put_config(%{
server: "smtp.other_domain",
chained_adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter})
|> Mailer.deliver_now()
test "should send welcome email", %{event: event, attributes: attributes} do
assert {:ok, _} = Emailer.send_message(event, attributes)
assert_delivered_email_matches(%{test_merged_config: merged_config})
assert merged_config.adapter == Bamboo.ConfigAdapter
assert merged_config.chained_adapter == Bamboo.SMTPAdapter
assert merged_config.server == "smtp.other_domain"
Bamboo Adapters must implement a supports_attachments?/0
. Since the function takes no
arguments there is no way for Bamboo.ConfigAdapter
to know if the chained adapter
supports attachements. Instead we have opted to always return true
, but it is up to
you to ensure that attachments will work with the chained adapter.
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