A tiny, self contained version of front-end assets for testing and debugging.
Everybody has that point where they need to test a build system, compiler, optimizer or any other utility that requires assets.
That's where test-assets comes in, it clones a bunch of html, css, js, images, fonts and svg's right into your project folder with one easy command.
git clone https://github.com/BillieBobbel23/test-assets your/path/here
test-assets contains:
- An index.html file
- An .SCSS file with some styles used for index.html
- A Javascript file
- A TTF fontfile (Lato)
- Some images of cats (freeimages)
- A few SVG's
everything is contained within the src
This is simply a self contained module of front-end assets that is useful for testing and debugging of (automation) tools.
Apply it where needed.
See it in action
nodejs-boilerplate uses this package for debugging by running it's tasks against it.