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Releases: BigSoftVideo/360mash

360mash v1.0.0-beta-1

16 Jan 08:24
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360mash is an open source project to develop a free, cross-platform, lightweight tool for clipping, reframing and anonymising 2D, 180 and 360 videos and exporting the resulting video as fast as possible. The tool is primarily aimed at researchers using qualitative video-based methods, but can be used by anyone working with video.

This beta release of 360mash can be installed on Windows 10/11 or macOS.
You can download the release version appropriate for your computer operating system below:

You may have to approve the installation with your operating system, eg. "Run anyway" (Windows).
Your IT support may have to approve administrator privileges to install the software.

There is a basic online help guide available.

Please create an issue on GitHub if there is a problem or bug or create a pull request if you have code changes to merge. See our Project board.

Please appreciate that the software is in beta, the user interface is primitive, and sometimes it will fail unexpectedly.

Enjoy, BigSoftVideo team