Releases: Bible-Translation-Tools/BTT-Writer-Android
BTT-Writer 1.4.0 Release Notes
We are delighted to announce the release of BTT-Writer 1.4.0! It contains the following changes:
- Mark all chunks as done, a new menu option that allows the user to finish all the chunks for a chapter at once. This is especially useful when doing revision work.
- Insert
paragraph marker before first verse of each chapter when exporting to USFM. This improves compatibility when importing into other USFM-based tools. - Customize location of index.sqlite download url in settings.
- Documentation and other updates.
Desktop only
- Localization support! The BTT-Writer buttons, labels, and other text can now be displayed in multiple languages. This initial release provides translations in English and French.
- Fixed resource loading bug that could cause a crash in rare circumstances.
Android only
- Support for new WACS Security configuration that previously required a change to settings before the app could sync projects with WACS.
- Localization for many languages have been added or updated.
BTT-Writer v1.3.1 Release Notes
- Added a new update menu command "Download New index.sqlite", which will download both source texts and language definitions at the same time. This is much faster than the previous import commands, but may not have the very latest definitions and texts if they were added very recently.
- Better handling of corrupted projects, which are now zipped and placed in the backups folder if they can't be opened normally. The presence of a corrupted project no longer causes all projects to disappear.
Android Only
- Fixed a bug when loading a source text that could, in rare circumstances, cause sections of source texts to fail to load.
- Fixed a bug when rendering footnotes that could cause footnote content to be rendered interleaved with the source text.
Desktop Only
- Developers only: Fixes and improvements to the Docker build process.
New Features
- Translated book names and chapter titles are now used when importing from and exporting to USFM. (PR88)
- Paragraph markers (
) are now recognized and rendered. (PR83)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where adding too many source texts could cause the UI to become unusable. The number of source texts is now limited to three. Please let us know if your project requires more than three source texts. (PR84)
- The Read Server now points to the new Live Reader URL. (PR82)
Previous updates
- (v1.2.3) The list of available languages is now pulled from WA's new public data API. The language list API URL is now configurable in settings if you'd prefer to use a different API.
This release uses a new endpoint for language information, found at:
We are pleased to announce the release of BTT-Writer 1.1.5 for Android.
BTT-Writer will now direct new users to the account creation page of WACS or DCS. This alleviates an issue where users would create an account through BTT-Writer but then be unable to log in because of server-side security restrictions. Now when clicking "Create Account" in the app, the user's browser will open to the account creation page on the server to complete the process manually.
This release fixes a timeout issue when updating sources and languages on slow connections.
This release addresses two issues:
- Fix issue where app crashes on startup on some Android 11 and 12 devices. This release rolls back to API 28 for file system compatibility, and will probably remain on API 28 for a while.
- Fix issue where app crashes when checking for updates. Checking for updates now correctly compares the current app version against the latest version available on GitHub.
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