This dataset has been curated for academic research purposes regarding the detection of fake Twitter accounts. The dataset used in this research project has been sourced from VanshikaGahlawat's repository. The data compiled here forms a crucial component of the research conducted by Bharti Goyal and will be cited accordingly in the academic paper.
The dataset used in this research has been obtained from the repository maintained by VanshikaGahlawat. Proper attribution and credit are extended to the repository owner for providing this valuable dataset for academic and research purposes.
When referencing this dataset in academic or research publications, please cite the original dataset repository: GitHub Repository
The data in this repository is used solely for academic research and experimentation on the detection of fake Twitter accounts. Kindly adhere to ethical guidelines and usage restrictions outlined in the original dataset repository.
For inquiries or additional information regarding this dataset, please contact:
- Bharti Goyal
- Email: