Welcome to my Swift-based solutions for Advent of Code 2025, a 25-day coding challenge featuring puzzles of increasing difficulty. This repository is my attempt to solve the challenges using Swift, with an emphasis on clean, efficient, and idiomatic code.
To run the solutions, you’ll need:
- Xcode: Version 15.0 or later (compatible with Swift 5.9).
- macOS: Monterey or later.
Each challenge is organized into its own folder, named DayXX, where XX is the day of the challenge. For example:
├── Day00/
│ ├── input.txt
│ ├── Day01.swift
├── Day01/
│ ├── input.txt
│ ├── Day02.swift
├── AdventOfCode2025Tests/
│ ├── Day00Tests.swift
└── README.md
| Day | Challenge Title | Completion Status | Notes |
| 01 | Historian Hysteria | ✅ Completed | https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/1 |
| 02 | Another Puzzle | 🟡 In Progress | |
| 03 | Tough Puzzle | 🔴 Not Started | |