- Rotterdam, Netherlands
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/beratyesbek
- @BeratYesbekk
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JDK main-line development https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk
Tanıdıklarınızın bilgilerini tutabileceğiniz masaüstü Rehber uygulaması
Vhoops android is a chat app. You can share message, location, file, images and video. Vhoops has been supported Firebase, , jitsimeet, ,kotlin dagger hilt, mvvm,retrofit
e campus system is a portal that contains all the information of your college. it includes the students schedule and timetable, lesson detail ,professors,student enrolled and more all are managed b…
YouTube derslerinin kaynak kodları.
.NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core
Microservices on .NET platforms used ASP.NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Yarp API Gateway, PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLite, SqlServer, Marten, Entity Framework Core, CQRS, MediatR, DDD,…
Code for the Introduction to .NET Microservices
Kablosuzkedi Kanalındaki Docker Serisi için Hazırlanmış Dokümantasyondur
Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2025