This is just a basic nodejs
assignment for the backend
section in HNGI9
- Nodejs
- Expressjs
clone the repo
git clone
Install all dependencies.
Note:- before doing that, make sure you have
installed locally.
npm install
Start the local server
npm start
You should get the following result in the terminal
server started at http://localhost:5000
visit http://localhost:5000/user
to see the below response.
"backend": true,
Making some calculations.
visit http://localhost:5000/compute
and pass in a payload in the below format.
"operation_type": "multiplication",
"x": "5",
"y": "5"
Result should be
"slackUsername": "Benrobo",
"operation_type": "multiplication",
"result": 25
open the link in browser and you should be greeted with a text called Hello World