Hi, thanks for this repo. I have the same CPU and Mobo and a Sapphire Radeon RX580 8GB GPU.
I have tried the latest OC 0.8.8 EFI from this repo and keep getting a kernel panic during install - I tried Monterey and Venutra and get the same kernel panic on each. The kernel panic is: Panic(CPU 5, time 2913048261358): NMIPI for unresponsive processor: TLB flush timeout, TLB state:0x0
Installation starts (with gray background), then the system reboots to a white Apple logo on black background. The installer says "29 minutes remaining" and the kernel panic always happens at "25 minutes remaining".
I have OC 0.5.8 working with Catalina very well for 2 years. I have updated my BIOS to F9 and the settings match the BIOS settings stated in this repo. I have also tried OC 0.8.5 with an EFI and config.plist I generated manually using the Dortania guide.
My OC 0.5.8 with Catalina continues to work.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or know what the solution could be? Thanks!