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Just solvin' some LeetCode problems on the side in the best language in the world (fight me). Hopefully learning some DSA along the way!

My LeetCode profile.

Currently solved


Difficulty Solved
🟢 Easy 22
🟡 Medium 10
🔴 Hard 4
Total 36

Problem list

Index Name Difficulty Tags
🟢 0001 Two sum Easy array, hash table
🟡 0002 Add two numbers Medium linked list, math, recursion
🟡 0003 Longest substring without repeating characters Medium hash table, string, sliding window
🟡 0005 Longest palindromic substring Medium two pointers, string, dynamic programming
🟢 0009 Palindrome numbers Easy math
🟡 0011 Container with the most water Medium array, two pointers, greedy
🟢 0013 Roman to integers Easy hash table, math, string
🟢 0014 Longest common prefix Easy string, trie
🟡 0015 3Sum Medium array, two pointers, sorting
🟢 0020 Valid parentheses Easy string, stack
🟢 0021 Merge two sorted lists Easy linked list, recursion
🟡 0022 Generate parentheses Medium string, dynamic programming, backtracking
🔴 0023 Merge k sorted lists Hard linked list, divide and conquer, heap (priority queue), merge sort
🟢 0026 Remove duplicates from sorted array Easy array, two pointers
🟢 0027 Remove elements Easy array, two pointers
🟢 0028 Find the index of the first occurence in a string Easy two pointers, string, string matching
🔴 0032 Longest valid parentheses Hard string, dynamic programming, stack
🟢 0035 Search insert position Easy array, binary search
🟡 0045 Jump game II Medium array, dynamic programming, greedy
🔴 0051 N-Queens Hard array, backtracking
🔴 0052 N-Queens II Hard backtracking
🟡 0055 Jump game Medium array, dynamic programming, greedy
🟢 0070 Climbing stairs Easy math, dynamic programming, memoization
🟢 0094 Binary tree inorder traversal Easy stack, tree, depth-first search, binary tree
🟢 0101 Symmetric tree Easy tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, binary tree
🟢 0104 Maximum depth of binary tree Easy tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, binary tree
🟢 0118 Pascals triangle Easy array, dynamic programming
🟢 0121 Best time to buy and sell stock Easy array, dynamic programming
🟡 0167 Two sum ii Medium array, two pointers, binary search
🟢 0169 Majority element Easy array, hash table, divide and conquer, sorting, counting
🟡 0175 Letter combinations of a phone number Medium hash table, string, backtracking
🟢 0226 Invert binary tree Easy tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, binary tree
🟢 0283 Move zeroes Easy array, two pointer
🟢 0543 Diameter of a binary tree Easy tree, depth-first search, binary tree
🟢 0704 Binary search Easy array, binary search
🟢 1518 Water bottles Easy math, simulation


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