Just solvin' some LeetCode problems on the side in the best language in the world (fight me). Hopefully learning some DSA along the way!
Difficulty | Solved | |
🟢 | Easy | 22 |
🟡 | Medium | 10 |
🔴 | Hard | 4 |
Total | 36 |
Index | Name | Difficulty | Tags | |
🟢 | 0001 | Two sum | Easy | array, hash table |
🟡 | 0002 | Add two numbers | Medium | linked list, math, recursion |
🟡 | 0003 | Longest substring without repeating characters | Medium | hash table, string, sliding window |
🟡 | 0005 | Longest palindromic substring | Medium | two pointers, string, dynamic programming |
🟢 | 0009 | Palindrome numbers | Easy | math |
🟡 | 0011 | Container with the most water | Medium | array, two pointers, greedy |
🟢 | 0013 | Roman to integers | Easy | hash table, math, string |
🟢 | 0014 | Longest common prefix | Easy | string, trie |
🟡 | 0015 | 3Sum | Medium | array, two pointers, sorting |
🟢 | 0020 | Valid parentheses | Easy | string, stack |
🟢 | 0021 | Merge two sorted lists | Easy | linked list, recursion |
🟡 | 0022 | Generate parentheses | Medium | string, dynamic programming, backtracking |
🔴 | 0023 | Merge k sorted lists | Hard | linked list, divide and conquer, heap (priority queue), merge sort |
🟢 | 0026 | Remove duplicates from sorted array | Easy | array, two pointers |
🟢 | 0027 | Remove elements | Easy | array, two pointers |
🟢 | 0028 | Find the index of the first occurence in a string | Easy | two pointers, string, string matching |
🔴 | 0032 | Longest valid parentheses | Hard | string, dynamic programming, stack |
🟢 | 0035 | Search insert position | Easy | array, binary search |
🟡 | 0045 | Jump game II | Medium | array, dynamic programming, greedy |
🔴 | 0051 | N-Queens | Hard | array, backtracking |
🔴 | 0052 | N-Queens II | Hard | backtracking |
🟡 | 0055 | Jump game | Medium | array, dynamic programming, greedy |
🟢 | 0070 | Climbing stairs | Easy | math, dynamic programming, memoization |
🟢 | 0094 | Binary tree inorder traversal | Easy | stack, tree, depth-first search, binary tree |
🟢 | 0101 | Symmetric tree | Easy | tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, binary tree |
🟢 | 0104 | Maximum depth of binary tree | Easy | tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, binary tree |
🟢 | 0118 | Pascals triangle | Easy | array, dynamic programming |
🟢 | 0121 | Best time to buy and sell stock | Easy | array, dynamic programming |
🟡 | 0167 | Two sum ii | Medium | array, two pointers, binary search |
🟢 | 0169 | Majority element | Easy | array, hash table, divide and conquer, sorting, counting |
🟡 | 0175 | Letter combinations of a phone number | Medium | hash table, string, backtracking |
🟢 | 0226 | Invert binary tree | Easy | tree, depth-first search, breadth-first search, binary tree |
🟢 | 0283 | Move zeroes | Easy | array, two pointer |
🟢 | 0543 | Diameter of a binary tree | Easy | tree, depth-first search, binary tree |
🟢 | 0704 | Binary search | Easy | array, binary search |
🟢 | 1518 | Water bottles | Easy | math, simulation |