Current settings version: 0.2.0
config = function()
dependencies = {
"version": "0.2.0",
"name": "My C runnable",
"lang": "c",
"type": "codelldb", // Following DAP types
"program": "./target",
"request": "launch",
// Act as preprocessor
"pipeline": [ "echo 'Hello World'", "make debug" ],
"args" : [ "examples/flow-control/example_02.bc" ],
"env": {
"ENV_VAR": "1"
"tasks": [
"name": "Generate compile_commands.json",
"pipeline": [
"bear -- make debug"
- Java Implementation
- Varible expansion (Including env variables)
- List of default variables
- Command variables (if not exists create it)
- Command Prompt
- Usually all code is inspired from nvim-dap vscode extension
- Following some tips with nvim-plugin-template
- References in nvim-dap
- Implement Pipeline
- Configure args usage
- Fix per project env call
- Strong usage of nvim-jdtls
- References in nvim-dap
- References from Java Debug Configuration
- Also using vscode-java-options