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apache-jdkim Build Status

This project is a fork of the Apache jdkim project for Bedework.

These classes implement a version if DKIM for iSchedule. This is still experimental and may never come to full production. If and when it does we can possibly merge back to the main project.


  1. JDK 7
  2. Maven 3

Building Locally

mvn clean install


Releases of this fork are published to Maven Central via Sonatype.

To create a release, you must have:

  1. Permissions to publish to the org.bedework groupId.
  2. gpg installed with a published key (release artifacts are signed).

To perform a new release:

mvn release:clean release:prepare

When prompted, select the desired version; accept the defaults for scm tag and next development version. When the build completes, and the changes are committed and pushed successfully, execute:

mvn release:perform

For full details, see Sonatype's documentation for using Maven to publish releases.


No packages published
