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This repository contains a basic implementation of a stock portfolio tracker backend using Express.js and TypeScript. It includes features for user authentication, adding and removing stocks from the portfolio, real-time stock data retrieval using a financial data API, and tracking portfolio performance over time.


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Stock Portfolio Tracker TS

This repository contains a basic implementation of a stock portfolio tracker backend using Express.js and TypeScript. It includes features for user authentication, adding and removing stocks from the portfolio, real-time stock data retrieval using a financial data API, and tracking portfolio performance over time.

The Stock Portfolio Tracker is a web-based application that allows users to manage their stock portfolios. It provides real-time stock data, portfolio analysis, and performance tracking.


  • User Authentication: Secure user registration and login system.
  • Stock Portfolio Management: Add, remove, and track stocks in your portfolio.
  • Real-Time Stock Data: Fetch real-time stock prices and information.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Analyze and optimize your portfolio for better diversification.
  • Historical Performance: View historical performance charts of your portfolio.
  • User-Friendly API: Well-documented API for easy integration into other applications.


Register :


Login :


Create protofilo :


Find one protofilo :


Update protofilo :


Remove protofilo :


Show protofilo :


Create stock :


Find stock :


Add stock to protofilo


Create setting


Update setting


Get Setting


Create transaction


Get transaction


Remove transaction


Find all transaction


Getting Started

  • Prerequisites
  • Node.js and npm installed on your system.

API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Description Example Request Example Response
/api/auth/register POST Register a new user account. { "username": "john_doe", "email": "", "password": "securePassword123" } {"message": "User registered successfully"}
/api/auth/login POST Log in with an existing user account. { "email": "", "password": "securePassword123" } {"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...}
/api/portfolio GET Get the user's portfolio with stock holdings and performance data. N/A {"portfolio": {...}, "stocks": [...], "performance": {...}}
/api/portfolio/add POST Add a stock to the user's portfolio. { "symbol": "AAPL", "quantity": 10 } {"message": "Stock added to the portfolio"}
/api/portfolio/remove POST Remove a stock from the user's portfolio. { "symbol": "AAPL" } {"message": "Stock removed from the portfolio"}
/api/stocks/:symbol GET Get real-time stock data for a specific stock symbol. N/A {"symbol": "AAPL", "name": "Apple Inc.", "price": 150.25, "lastUpdated": "2023-09-01T12:00:00Z"}
/api/stocks/search?query= GET Search for stocks by symbol or name. /api/stocks/search?query=AAPL {"results": [...], "totalResults": 5}
/api/portfolio/analyze GET Analyze the diversification of the user's portfolio. N/A {"diversificationScore": 85}
/api/portfolio/history GET Get historical performance data for the user's portfolio. N/A {"history": [...], "startDate": "2023-01-01", "endDate": "2023-09-01"}
/api/user/profile GET Get the user's profile information. N/A {"username": "john_doe", "email": "", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe"}
/api/user/profile PUT Update the user's profile information. { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe" } {"message": "Profile updated successfully"}
/api/user/settings GET Get user account settings. N/A {"currency": "USD", "theme": "dark"}
/api/user/settings PUT Update user account settings. { "notification": true, "theme": "dark" } {"message": "Settings updated successfully"}
/api/portfolio/buy POST Buy stocks and add them to the portfolio. { "symbol": "GOOG", "quantity": 5 } {"message": "Stocks bought and added to the portfolio"}
/api/portfolio/sell POST Sell stocks from the portfolio. { "symbol": "AAPL", "quantity": 3 } {"message": "Stocks sold from the portfolio"}
/api/portfolio/transactions GET Get a list of all portfolio transactions. N/A {"transactions": [...], "totalTransactions": 10}
/api/portfolio/transactions/:id GET Get details of a specific transaction. N/A {"transaction": {...}}
/api/news GET Fetch the latest financial news. N/A {"news": [...], "totalNews": 5}
/api/notifications GET Get user notifications. N/A {"notifications": [...], "totalNotifications": 5}
/api/notifications POST Create a new notification. { "message": "New stock added." } {"message": "Notification created successfully"}
/api/notifications/:id DELETE Delete a specific notification. N/A {"message": "Notification deleted successfully"}
/api/watchlist GET Get the user's stock watchlist. N/A {"watchlist": [...], "totalStocks": 5}
/api/watchlist/add POST Add a stock to the user's watchlist. { "symbol": "TSLA" } {"message": "Stock added to the watchlist"}
/api/watchlist/remove POST Remove a stock from the watchlist. { "symbol": "TSLA" } {"message": "Stock removed from the watchlist"}
/api/settings GET Get application settings. N/A {"currency": "USD", "theme": "light"}
/api/settings PUT Update application settings. { "currency": "USD", "theme": "light" } {"message": "Settings updated successfully"}
/api/portfolio/stats GET Get overall portfolio statistics. N/A {"statistics": {...}}
/api/portfolio/dividends GET Get dividend income for the portfolio. N/A {"dividendIncome": 2500.00}
/api/portfolio/roi GET Get return on investment for the portfolio. N/A {"roi": 10.25}
/api/stocks/recommendations GET Get stock recommendations based on user preferences. N/A {"recommendations": [...], "totalRecommendations": 5}
/api/stocks/history/:symbol GET Get historical stock data for a specific symbol. N/A {"history": [...], "symbol": "AAPL"}
/api/stocks/news/:symbol GET Get news related to a specific stock. N/A {"news": [...], "symbol": "AAPL"}
/api/portfolio/alerts GET Get portfolio alerts and notifications. N/A {"alerts": [...], "totalAlerts": 5}
/api/portfolio/alerts POST Create a new portfolio alert. { "symbol": "AAPL", "targetPrice": 150 } {"message": "Alert created successfully"}
/api/portfolio/alerts/:id PUT Update a portfolio alert. { "targetPrice": 160 } {"message": "Alert updated successfully"}
/api/portfolio/alerts/:id DELETE Delete a portfolio alert. N/A {"message": "Alert deleted successfully"}
/api/stocks/compare POST Compare multiple stocks' performance. { "symbols": ["AAPL", "GOOG", "TSLA"] } {"comparison": {...}}
/api/stocks/symbols GET Get a list of available stock symbols. N/A {"symbols": ["AAPL", "GOOG", "TSLA"]}
/api/portfolio/strategies GET Get recommended investment strategies based on user preferences. N/A {"strategies": [...], "totalStrategies": 5}
/api/portfolio/strategies/:id GET Get details of a specific investment strategy. N/A {"strategy": {...}}
/api/portfolio/strategies POST Create a custom investment strategy. { "name": "My Strategy", "description": "A custom investment strategy", "assets": ["AAPL", "GOOG"] } {"message": "Strategy created successfully"}
/api/portfolio/strategies/:id PUT Update a custom investment strategy. { "name": "Updated Strategy", "description": "An updated custom investment strategy" } {"message": "Strategy updated successfully"}
/api/portfolio/strategies/:id DELETE Delete a custom investment strategy. N/A {"message": "Strategy deleted successfully"}
/api/transactions GET Get a list of all user transactions (buy/sell orders). N/A {"transactions": [...], "totalTransactions": 10}
/api/transactions/:id GET Get details of a specific transaction. N/A {"transaction": {...}}
/api/transactions/buy POST Create a buy order for a stock. { "symbol": "AAPL", "quantity": 5 } {"message": "Buy order created successfully"}
/api/transactions/sell POST Create a sell order for a stock. { "symbol": "AAPL", "quantity": 3 } {"message": "Sell order created successfully"}
/api/transactions/:id DELETE Cancel a pending transaction. N/A {"message": "Transaction canceled successfully"}
/api/alerts GET Get user-specific alerts and notifications. N/A {"alerts": [...], "totalAlerts": 5}
/api/alerts/:id GET Get details of a specific alert. N/A {"alert": {...}}
/api/alerts POST Create a new alert or notification. { "type": "price", "symbol": "AAPL", "targetPrice": 150 } {"message": "Alert created successfully"}
/api/alerts/:id PUT Update an existing alert. { "type": "price", "targetPrice": 160 } {"message": "Alert updated successfully"}
/api/alerts/:id DELETE Delete an alert or notification. N/A {"message": "Alert deleted successfully"}
/api/transactions/history GET Get historical transaction data. N/A {"history": [...], "totalTransactions": 10}
/api/transactions/history/:id GET Get historical data for a specific transaction. N/A {"transaction": {...}}
/api/user/logout POST Log the user out and invalidate the session. N/A {"message": "User logged out successfully"}
/api/user/forgot-password POST Request a password reset email. { "email": "" } {"message": "Password reset email sent successfully"}
/api/user/reset-password POST Reset the user's password with a valid reset token. { "token": "valid_token", "password": "newPassword123" } {"message": "Password reset successfully"}
/api/user/change-password PUT Change the user's password. { "currentPassword": "oldPassword123", "newPassword": "newPassword123" } {"message": "Password changed successfully"}

Database Schema: StockPortfolio

User Collection

  • user_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each user (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • username (String): User's chosen username.
  • email (String): User's email address.
  • password (String): Hashed password for authentication.
  • firstName (String): User's first name.
  • lastName (String): User's last name.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for user registration.
  • updatedAt (Date): Timestamp for user profile updates.

Portfolio Collection

  • portfolio_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each portfolio (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who owns the portfolio.
  • name (String): User-defined name for the portfolio.
  • description (String): Description of the portfolio.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for portfolio creation.
  • updatedAt (Date): Timestamp for portfolio updates.

Stock Collection

  • stock_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each stock (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • symbol (String): Stock symbol, e.g., AAPL for Apple Inc.
  • name (String): Full name of the stock.
  • price (Number): Current stock price.
  • lastUpdated (Date): Timestamp for the last update of stock data.

PortfolioStock Collection (Many-to-Many Relationship)

  • portfolioStock_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each portfolio-stock relationship (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • portfolio_id (ObjectId): Reference to the portfolio.
  • stock_id (ObjectId): Reference to the stock.
  • quantity (Number): Number of shares of the stock in the portfolio.
  • purchasePrice (Number): Price at which the stock was purchased.
  • purchaseDate (Date): Date of purchase.

Transaction Collection

  • transaction_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each transaction (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user initiating the transaction.
  • stock_id (ObjectId): Reference to the stock involved in the transaction.
  • type (String): Transaction type (e.g., "buy" or "sell").
  • quantity (Number): Number of shares bought or sold.
  • price (Number): Price per share at the time of the transaction.
  • transactionDate (Date): Timestamp for the transaction.

Notification Collection

  • notification_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each notification (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user receiving the notification.
  • type (String): Notification type (e.g., "priceAlert" or "news").
  • message (String): Content of the notification.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for notification creation.

Watchlist Collection

  • watchlist_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each user's watchlist (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who owns the watchlist.
  • stocks (Array of ObjectId): References to stocks added to the watchlist.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for watchlist creation.
  • updatedAt (Date): Timestamp for watchlist updates.

Alert Collection

  • alert_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each user's custom alerts (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who set up the alert.
  • type (String): Alert type (e.g., "price" or "news").
  • symbol (String): Symbol of the stock the alert is associated with.
  • targetPrice (Number): The price at which the alert should trigger (for price alerts).
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for alert creation.

StockRecommendation Collection

  • recommendation_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each stock recommendation (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user receiving the recommendation.
  • symbol (String): Symbol of the recommended stock.
  • strategy (String): Name of the investment strategy that led to the recommendation.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for recommendation creation.

Strategy Collection

  • strategy_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each investment strategy (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who created the strategy.
  • name (String): Name of the investment strategy.
  • description (String): Description of the strategy.
  • assets (Array of String): List of stock symbols associated with the strategy.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for strategy creation.
  • updatedAt (Date): Timestamp for strategy updates.

AssetRecommendation Collection

  • assetRecommendation_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each asset recommendation (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • strategy_id (ObjectId): Reference to the investment strategy that led to the recommendation.
  • symbol (String): Symbol of the recommended asset (stock).
  • recommendationType (String): Type of recommendation (e.g., "buy" or "sell").
  • targetPrice (Number): The target price for the asset.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for asset recommendation creation.

Settings Collection

  • settings_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each user's application settings (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who owns the settings.
  • currency (String): User's preferred currency for financial data (e.g., "USD" or "EUR").
  • theme (String): User's preferred application theme (e.g., "light" or "dark").
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for settings creation.
  • updatedAt (Date): Timestamp for settings updates.

TransactionHistory Collection

  • transactionHistory_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each transaction history entry (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user associated with the transaction history.
  • type (String): Type of transaction (e.g., "buy" or "sell").
  • symbol (String): Symbol of the stock involved in the transaction.
  • quantity (Number): Number of shares bought or sold.
  • price (Number): Price per share at the time of the transaction.
  • transactionDate (Date): Timestamp for the transaction.
  • notes (String): Additional notes or comments for the transaction.


  • dividend_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each dividend record (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user associated with the dividend record.
  • stock_id (ObjectId): Reference to the stock that paid the dividend.
  • amount (Number): Dividend amount received.
  • paymentDate (Date): Date when the dividend was paid.
  • recordDate (Date): Record date for dividend eligibility.


  • roi_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each return on investment (ROI) record (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user associated with the ROI record.
  • portfolio_id (ObjectId): Reference to the portfolio for which ROI is calculated.
  • startDate (Date): Start date for ROI calculation.
  • endDate (Date): End date for ROI calculation.
  • roi (Number): Return on investment percentage.


  • comparison_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each stock comparison (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who initiated the comparison.
  • symbols (Array of Strings): Symbols of the stocks being compared.
  • comparisonDate (Date): Timestamp for the comparison.
  • results (Object): Comparison results, such as stock prices and performance metrics.


  • symbol_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each stock symbol (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • symbol (String): Symbol of the stock.
  • name (String): Full name of the stock.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for symbol registration.


  • performance_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each portfolio performance record (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user associated with the portfolio performance.
  • portfolio_id (ObjectId): Reference to the portfolio for which performance is calculated.
  • startDate (Date): Start date for performance calculation.
  • endDate (Date): End date for performance calculation.
  • initialValue (Number): Initial portfolio value at the start date.
  • finalValue (Number): Portfolio value at the end date.
  • percentageChange (Number): Percentage change in portfolio value.


  • article_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each news article (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • title (String): Title of the news article.
  • content (String): Content of the news article.
  • publishedDate (Date): Date when the article was published.
  • source (String): Source or publication of the article.
  • url (String): URL to the full article.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for article registration.


  • preferences_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each user's notification preferences (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user associated with the preferences.
  • priceAlertsEnabled (Boolean): Indicates if price alerts are enabled.
  • newsAlertsEnabled (Boolean): Indicates if news alerts are enabled.
  • dividendAlertsEnabled (Boolean): Indicates if dividend alerts are enabled.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for preferences creation.
  • updatedAt (Date): Timestamp for preferences updates.


  • strategyAsset_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each strategy-asset relationship (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • strategy_id (ObjectId): Reference to the investment strategy.
  • symbol (String): Symbol of the associated asset (stock).
  • weight (Number): Weight assigned to the asset within the strategy.


  • comment_id (ObjectId): Unique identifier for each recommendation comment (auto-generated by MongoDB).
  • recommendation_id (ObjectId): Reference to the stock recommendation.
  • user_id (ObjectId): Reference to the user who posted the comment.
  • content (String): Content of the comment.
  • createdAt (Date): Timestamp for comment creation.


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd stock-portfolio-tracker-ts

Install dependencies:

npm install

Configure environment variables:

Create a .env file in the project root and define the following variables:


Start the development server:

npm run dev

Access the application at http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

Database SQL

-- User Collection
    username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    firstName VARCHAR(255),
    lastName VARCHAR(255),
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP

-- Portfolio Collection
CREATE TABLE Portfolio (
    portfolio_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255),
    description TEXT,
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- Stock Collection
    stock_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255),
    price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    lastUpdated TIMESTAMP,
    UNIQUE (symbol)

-- PortfolioStock Collection (Many-to-Many Relationship)
CREATE TABLE PortfolioStock (
    portfolioStock_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    portfolio_id INT NOT NULL,
    stock_id INT NOT NULL,
    quantity INT NOT NULL,
    purchasePrice DECIMAL(10, 2),
    purchaseDate DATE,
    FOREIGN KEY (portfolio_id) REFERENCES Portfolio(portfolio_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (stock_id) REFERENCES Stock(stock_id)

-- Transaction Collection
CREATE TABLE Transaction (
    transaction_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    stock_id INT NOT NULL,
    type VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    quantity INT NOT NULL,
    price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    transactionDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (stock_id) REFERENCES Stock(stock_id)

-- Notification Collection
CREATE TABLE Notification (
    notification_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    message TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- Watchlist Collection
CREATE TABLE Watchlist (
    watchlist_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- Alert Collection
    alert_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    targetPrice DECIMAL(10, 2),
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (symbol) REFERENCES Stock(symbol)

-- Strategy Collection
    strategy_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    description TEXT,
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- AssetRecommendation Collection
CREATE TABLE AssetRecommendation (
    assetRecommendation_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    strategy_id INT NOT NULL,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    recommendationType VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    targetPrice DECIMAL(10, 2),
    FOREIGN KEY (strategy_id) REFERENCES Strategy(strategy_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (symbol) REFERENCES Stock(symbol)

-- Settings Collection
    settings_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    currency VARCHAR(5),
    theme VARCHAR(10),
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- TransactionHistory Collection
CREATE TABLE TransactionHistory (
    transactionHistory_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    type VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    quantity INT NOT NULL,
    price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    transactionDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    notes TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (symbol) REFERENCES Stock(symbol)

-- DividendCollection
    dividend_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    stock_id INT NOT NULL,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    paymentDate DATE,
    recordDate DATE,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (stock_id) REFERENCES Stock(stock_id)

-- ReturnOnInvestmentCollection
CREATE TABLE ReturnOnInvestment (
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    portfolio_id INT NOT NULL,
    startDate DATE NOT NULL,
    endDate DATE NOT NULL,
    roi DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (portfolio_id) REFERENCES Portfolio(portfolio_id)

-- StockComparisonCollection
CREATE TABLE StockComparison (
    comparison_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    comparisonDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    results JSONB,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- StockSymbolCollection
CREATE TABLE StockSymbol (
    symbol_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255),

-- PortfolioPerformanceCollection
CREATE TABLE PortfolioPerformance (
    performance_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    portfolio_id INT NOT NULL,
    startDate DATE NOT NULL,
    endDate DATE NOT NULL,
    initialValue DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    finalValue DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    percentageChange DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (portfolio_id) REFERENCES Portfolio(portfolio_id)

-- NewsArticleCollection
CREATE TABLE NewsArticle (
    article_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL,
    publishedDate DATE,
    source VARCHAR(255),
    url VARCHAR(255),

-- NotificationPreferencesCollection
CREATE TABLE NotificationPreferences (
    preferences_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    priceAlertsEnabled BOOLEAN,
    newsAlertsEnabled BOOLEAN,
    dividendAlertsEnabled BOOLEAN,
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- StrategyAssetCollection
CREATE TABLE StrategyAsset (
    strategyAsset_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    strategy_id INT NOT NULL,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    weight DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (strategy_id) REFERENCES Strategy(strategy_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (symbol) REFERENCES Stock(symbol)

-- RecommendationCommentCollection
CREATE TABLE RecommendationComment (
    comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    recommendation_id INT NOT NULL,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (recommendation_id) REFERENCES AssetRecommendation(assetRecommendation_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- PortfolioPerformance Collection
CREATE TABLE PortfolioPerformance (
    performance_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    portfolio_id INT NOT NULL,
    startDate DATE NOT NULL,
    endDate DATE NOT NULL,
    initialValue DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    finalValue DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    percentageChange DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (portfolio_id) REFERENCES Portfolio(portfolio_id)

-- NewsArticle Collection
CREATE TABLE NewsArticle (
    article_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL,
    publishedDate DATE,
    source VARCHAR(255),
    url VARCHAR(255),

-- NotificationPreferences Collection
CREATE TABLE NotificationPreferences (
    preferences_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    priceAlertsEnabled BOOLEAN,
    newsAlertsEnabled BOOLEAN,
    dividendAlertsEnabled BOOLEAN,
    updatedAt TIMESTAMP,
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)

-- StrategyAsset Collection
CREATE TABLE StrategyAsset (
    strategyAsset_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    strategy_id INT NOT NULL,
    symbol VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    weight DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (strategy_id) REFERENCES Strategy(strategy_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (symbol) REFERENCES Stock(symbol)

-- RecommendationComment Collection
CREATE TABLE RecommendationComment (
    comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    recommendation_id INT NOT NULL,
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (recommendation_id) REFERENCES AssetRecommendation(assetRecommendation_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES User(user_id)


  • Register a new user account or log in if you already have an account.
  • Add stocks to your portfolio by searching for their symbols or names.
  • Track real-time stock prices and portfolio performance.
  • Analyze and optimize your portfolio for better returns.

API Documentation

For API documentation and endpoints, please refer to the API Documentation file.


Contributions are welcome! Please read the Contributing Guidelines for more information.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.

Copyright 2023, Max Base


This repository contains a basic implementation of a stock portfolio tracker backend using Express.js and TypeScript. It includes features for user authentication, adding and removing stocks from the portfolio, real-time stock data retrieval using a financial data API, and tracking portfolio performance over time.








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