JIRA Project:
Epic Ticket:
Stash Repo: <%= stashrepo %>
##Project Info:
Project Scaffold: <%= scaffoldversion %>
SASS Boilerplate: <%= sassversion %>
SASS Mixins: <%= mixinversion %>
Assemble Structure: <%= assembleversion %>
Assemble Helpers: <%= helperversion %>
npm install
npm run check
- run linting tests
npm run build
- Run a plain build
npm run deploy
- Clone dist/
into appropriate deployment directories
npm run clean:assemble && npm run assemble:build && npm run assemble:execute
- Cleans assemble directories.
- Builds assemble files.
- Executes sass reference script (updateScss.js).
assemble default modules --file _config/assemblefile.js
- Runs the assemble tasks "default" and "modules", using a provided config file.
node lib/updateScss.js
- Runs the node script that builds empty sass files for modules, partials, and templates based on what handlebar files exist.
npm run clean:dist && npm run scaffold && npm run check && npm run build:css && npm run build:img && npm run build:js && npm run copy
- Cleans up the dist folder.
- Runs the assemble tasks and modernizr tasks. (scaffold)
- Runs lint checks for SASS and ES6 (check)
- Runs the CSS build tasks. (build:css)
- Runs the IMG build tasks. (build:img)
- Runs the JavaScript build tasks. (build:js)
- Copies all the compiled HTML into the dist folder.
npm run sass:build && npm run postcss:preprocess && npm run sass:dist && npm run postcss:postprocess
- Runs Sass build task. (sass:build)
- Runs PostCSS build task. (postcss:build)
imagemin app/img/* --out-dir=dist/img
- Runs imagemin on app/img and outputs into dist/img.
npx webpack --config ./_config/webpack.config.js --mode=production
- Runs webpack configuration on ejs directory, with a production flag.
eslint -c _config/.eslintrc.json app/ejs && npm run sass:lint
- Runs eslint on the ejs directory.
- Runs Sass linting tasks. (sass:lint)
node lib/del.js --assemble
- Removes all .html files under app/ and under app/modules/
node lib/del.js --deploy
- Remove all contents of the deployment folder(s) based on the del config.
node lib/del.js --dist
- Remove all contents of the dist folder based on the del config.
node lib/copy.js --dist
- Copies all files under app/ to dist based on the copy config.
npm run clean:deploy && node lib/copy.js --deploy
- Runs deploy clean task. (clean:deploy)
- Copies all files under app/ to deploy folder(s) based on the copy config.
customizr -c ./_config/modernizr-config.json
- Runs customizr script to produce a custom build of modernizr.js, which it places in
postcss --config _config/ -r app/scss/**/*.scss --env=scss
- Runs postcss script using congfiguration (_config/postcss.config.js) on css file in dist directory. This is using the scss configuration.
- PostCSS plugins:
- postcss-sorting - Sorts rules in SCSS.
postcss --config _config/ -r dist/css/main.css --env=css
- Runs postcss script using congfiguration (_config/postcss.config.js) on css file in dist directory. This is using the css configuration.
- PostCSS plugins:
- postcss-pxtorem - Converts px values to rem values.
- autoprefixer - Adds vendor prefixes based on browser requirements.
- cssnano - Minifies CSS.
postcss --config _config/ -r app/css/main.css --env=css
- Runs postcss script using congfiguration (_config/postcss.config.js) on css file in app directory. This is using the css configuration.
- PostCSS plugins:
- postcss-pxtorem - Converts px values to rem values.
- autoprefixer - Adds vendor prefixes based on browser requirements.
- cssnano - Minifies CSS.
npm run preprocess:css && npm run preprocess:js && npm run modernizr
- Runs CSS Preprocessing task.
- Runs JS Preprocessing task.
- Runs modernizr taskk.
npm run sass:build && npm run postcss:preprocess
- Runs Sass Build task.
- Runs Postcss Preprocess task.
npx webpack --config ./_config/webpack.config.js
- Compiles ES6 JavaScript using Webpack configuration.
node lib/nodesass.js
- Compiles SCSS using nodesass configuration.
node lib/copy.js --css
- Copies CSS from app to dist.
npm run postcss:fixsass && stylelint \"app/scss/**/*.scss\" --fix --cache --cache-location \"./.stylelintcache/\" --config \"./_config/.stylelintrc.json\" --ignore-path \"./_config/.stylelintignore\"
- Runs Postcss Fixsass task.
- Lints the SCSS files based on defined stylelint rules.
npm run assemble && npm run modernizr
- Runs Assemble tasks
- Runs modernizr task
npm run scaffold && node lib/browsersync.js
- Runs scaffold task
- Starts a server on port 3000 (or first available port) and opens in a new tab using default browser.
- Runs tests on the project files.