Releases: Banane9/NeosUserJoinLeaveNotifications
Releases · Banane9/NeosUserJoinLeaveNotifications
Release 3.0.0
Adds easter egg sounds and (joing or leaving) user customizable sounds using Cloud Variables.
Your personal sounds can be set using the following command pattern for the Neos bot:
/setGroupVarValue G-Dolphinitely UserJoinLeaveNotifications.(Join|Leave)(F|Unf)ocused U-USER "neosdb:///..."
By default these sounds won't be played if they're longer than 3s.
Release v2.1.0 (Sounds)
Adds configurable sounds to all notifications. The volume has to be adjusted for the clips as the notification panel doesn't support setting a volume.
Release v2.0.0
Adds notifications to the notifications panel when users join or leave your focused session or any session you're in.
Clicking on the notification opens the user's profile page and can focus the relevant session as well.