- OpenGL
- LibPNG
- CMake
If you've somehow come to the decision that you want to run this abomination of a program, please follow the steps below:
Firstly download the dependencies listen above if you have not already
git clone https://github.com/Balajanovski/mandelbrot-fractal-drawer.git
cd mandelbrot-fractal-drawer
cmake .
The program will ask you what colour you want the fractal to be drawn as.
Supply your colour in RGB format with the components being between 0 - 255 like this {R,G,B}. For example {255,255,255} is white.
The program will ask you what range of complex numbers to derive the pixels from.
Supply the range.
The program will ask you if you want to draw to either a window or an image.
Type W if you want to draw to a window
Type I if you want to draw to a PNG image, then type the name of the file you want to generate and where you want to draw relative to the program