Version: 1.0.0
Benjamin Taylor - btaylor93
Paul Ritzman - paulritzman
Jenny Lawrence - JPLaw
Tracy Williams - TCW417
Go to BadMovieTonight
Languages Used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL
Libraries Used: JQuery, Handlebars
Frameworks Used: Express
APIs Used:
CSS is organized using SMACSS guidelines.
Written with Visual Studio Code.
Uses PostreSQL database system.
Package management by NPM.
The Movie Database -
YouTube embedded trailers - YouTube
Anish Athalye - anishathalye for the normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | normalize
Icomoon - Icomoon
JQuery - JQuery
Handlebars - Handlebars
Express - Express
PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL
Google Fonts - font-family: 'Fontdiner Swanky'
Responsive iFrame CSS - CSS-Tricks