This issue-only repository is our public roadmap for SerpApi, LLC.
Add a new issue for feature requests, new APIs, and to report an issue.
Feel free to explore existing issues, leave comments, upvote issues, and add new issues.
- Search existing issues if your issue isn't already reported. Leave a comment and upvote with a thumb up if it is.
- Open a new issue. Make sure to:
- Write a clear title (e.g., "On Google Maps API, addresses are not extracted anymore")
- Write a description as detailed as possible of what's wrong
- Add a screenshot(s) with area of interest marked with red rectangles
- Add a playground link(s) to reproduce the issue (e.g.,
- Add a search inspect link(s) of a search with the issue
- Add a direct link(s) to the search engine
- If relevant, write step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue
- Post the issue
- Wait for an update and early triage from us
- Feel free to add comments if you have more information
- We will fix our code and close the issue
- Search existing issues if your request isn't already reported. Leave a comment and upvote with a thumb up if it is.
- Open a new issue. Make sure to:
- Write a clear title (e.g., "Add support for Amazon Search API")
- Write a detailed description of what you are expecting
- Add a screenshot(s) (with area of interest marked with red rectangles if relevant)
- Add a direct link(s) to the search engine
- If relevant, write step-by-step instructions on how to the feature would work
- Post the issue
- Wait for an update and early triage from us
- Feel free to add comments if you have more information
- We will release an update with this new API (or feature) and close the issue
SerpApi, LLC aims to provide the best APIs in the world for every search engines.
Our primary value is transparency. This Public Roadmap repository is a good example of it.