bm1880-bmnnsdk usb mode
- fix the issues that the position of detaction box is not correct
- bugfix: onnx leakyrelu codegen issue
- bugfix: onnxifi multiple outputs mismatch issue
[Layer support]
1.Add Detection Output layer (CPU)
2.Add Pad (CPU)
3.Add Reduction layer (CPU)
4.Add Sigmoid layer
5.Add Slice layer
6.Add Tanh layer
7.Add Tile layer (CPU)
8.Support Concat layer with need_quantize_num > 0
9.Support Multi-input models
[Known Issue]
1.Build Softmax without --enable-cpu-softmax=yes may cause unexpected behavior.
2.PSROI Layer is broken.
[Bug fixed]
1.Local memory allocation error for graph tl-tg_innerproduct was fixed.
2.Fix some model net patterns might failed to allocate memory when enable-layer-group=yes
3.Fix Caffe to bmodel (groups = output channel) calculation error in deconvolution layer.
4.Single input Concat will be removed from net if quantization isn't needed.
5.Now bm_builder finds layer type Input as bmodel's first layer. (Doesn't need to be data anymore!)
version1.1.4 requires updating protobuf to version 3.6 with
First, get code from
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
$ protoc --version