A somewhat faithful clone of the Korg Volca FM synthesizer created in Max/MSP. The Volca FM is itself a somewhat faithful clone of the famous Yamaha DX-7 synthesizer.
This project is created using Max/MSP, a modular musical programming environment.
The Max project depends on Jamoma, which can be installed directly from the Max Package Manager.
Once you have Max and Jamoma installed, you should just be able to download the repo, open the Max project file, and play with the synth!
- Fully polyphonic (as opposed to the Volca FM which has only 3 voices)
- 6 Operators
- 32 FM Algorithms
- Presets
Come back later.
I don't actually own a Volca FM. That's kinda why I wanted to make this. Everything I know about the details of the Volca FM were learned from this video tutorial series. I have done my best to approximate the behavior of the Volca FM based on this.