Hi Sergio,
Recently started using your library and love it! However, I am running into an issue. In the logs I see that the topic I am listening will get an event that the partition was revoked but then it is assigned again short time later. At some point, the partition is revoked and never assigned back.
Any idea what to check? When I check the topic to see what consumers are connected, I see none and the group is behind on messages.
Here is what my config looks like:
builder.AddKafkaEndpoints(endpoints =>
.Configure(config =>
config.BootstrapServers = connectionSettings.BootstrapServers;
config.AllowAutoCreateTopics = false;
config.ClientId = "prospect_index_daemon_v2";
endpoint =>
.Configure(config =>
config.GroupId = "prospect_index_daemon_v2";
config.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest;
.OnError(policy => policy.Skip())