Issue only applies to Aperture Tag.
Issue only applies to the unreleased Art Therapy style.
Something isn't working correctly
Bug/feature is hardcoded and cannot be changed.
Developers cannot reproduce this bug.
Issue only applies to Clean/Original Clean style.
Issue only affects Co-op.
Something is preventing the map from compiling
Should be automatically added as a decoration
This has been addressed in the next release
This issue has already been reported
Improvement or tweak to the mod
Something is causing the game to crash
This was intentionally designed this way.
This won't/can't be implemented
This will be slowly implemented across multiple updates
A model, instance, or other game resource is missing from the packages
Need more information to fix/implement this
Needs substantial new textures/models to be created
Needs changes in compiler/app to implement
Needs the decoration system to be built first
Needs the chamber exterior system to be built first
Needs figuring out an elegant editor user interface
A new item, option, or other feature
Issue only applies to one or more Old Aperture styles.
Issue only applies to Overgrown style.
Issue only applies to Portal 1 style.
This issue is very important